lemÌc. Lemizh grammar and dictionary

Lemizh / English dictionary

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to give milk, to nurse, suckle someone-dat;
agentive dat: to suck milk from a woman-nom, to milk an animal-nom

xmlèg. mammal
xmlÌg. milk
xmlùg. (female) breast

Usage notes

The verb is typically understood in the immediate sense of giving milk from one’s breasts (or in general, mammary glands). For translating ‘give someone milk (e.g. in a glass)’, it is safer to use xmlÌgy..

xmlìg. ‘the recipient of milking, the receiver of milk’ has been referring to someone receiving a benefit or favour since Early New Lemizh.


NLem xmylg‑a
LMLem, MLem xmalg‑a
OLem xmalg‑
PLem *xmalg‑, root present of
PIE *h₂melg̑‑


Eng milk, Gk ἀμέλγω ‘I milk’