lemÌc. Lemizh grammar and dictionary

Lemizh / English dictionary

782 lemmata in dictionary – view complete dictionary on one page (slow!)multilingual dictionary


dat: to be (currently) aware, conscious of something-acc, to remember something-acc [inner fact for remembering to do something; inner non-fact for remembering a fact, something concrete, etc.]

See also unit 14, Differences between infinitives and gerunds.

Usage notes

This verb indicates that a person is conscious of something they know anyway. It is not used like ‘aware’ in the sense of knowing something (as in ‘He isn’t aware that people are talking about him.’).


NLem smyn‑a
LMLem, MLem musan‑a ‘keep safe’
OLem musanh‑ ‘lift, remove’
PLem *musanh‑, nasal-infix present of
PIE *meu̯sh₁‑


Ved móṣathā ‘will rob’, TochB masa ‘went’