lemÌc. Lemizh grammar and dictionary

Lemizh / English dictionary

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to testify something-acc to someone-dat

xudjès. a witness (e.g. at court)

Usage notes

Originally used only for witnesses testifying at court (as in NTroy), this word now can also express testifying in other, more informal contexts.

A witness in the sense of someone being present at a ceremony such as a wedding or the signing of a document is called frodjì..


NTroy χοζισ /ˈxudzis/ ‘guest, witness (at court)’
OTroy χοστι‑ς /ˈxosdis/ ‘stranger, foreigner’
SHell *khósti‑s
PIE *gʰósth₂i‑s

doublet of Ràst.


Eng host, guest (via Lat hospes ‘host, guest’)