Exercise End 2 in unit 4
Give three possibilities to connect these two verbs with âandâ:
fprĂ f. khnĂ .
rustle-fact1. shout-fact1.
xOĂ j fpranfĂ khnĂ na.
hear-fact1 rustle-partfact-fact2 shout-partfact-fact2.
frĂ dj fpranfĂ khnĂ na.
perceive-fact1 rustle-partfact-fact2 shout-partfact-fact2.
lĂ fpranfĂ khnĂ na.
do-fact1 rustle-partfact-fact2 shout-partfact-fact2.
(The first is probably the best because it has the most informative main predicate.)