lemÌc. Lemizh grammar and dictionary

Constellation Swan (xaxpqÌ.)

This is the King’s swan, which we call Cygnus. It is flying in a southwesterly direction and has lost five feathers (ν, ξ, ο¹, ο² and τ Cygni) for the Prince to pick up. The King’s other bird is the Sparrow.

A number of heroes and gods were transformed into swans, or transformed themselves for various reasons. Many of these have been identified with the Swan by classical authors.

See also xaxpqà. in the dictionary.

The 168 naked-eye stars

In the ‘Our designation’ column, letters (sometimes with superscript numbers) in front of constellation symbols refer to Bayer’s catalogue or to variable star designations, and numbers to Flamsteed’s catalogue. Row colours roughly approximate the stars’ colours. The links lead to the stars’ entries in the SIMBAD Astronomical Database.

The star with negative Lemizh brightness is a variable that is visible to the naked eye when at its brightest, but invisible on average.

Designation (hex)Our designationlbrm
11α/50 Cyg (Deneb)6.671.25
101055 Cyg1.944.81
1111Hip 1019860.405.97
1212Hip 1014750.655.78
131356 Cyg1.615.06
1414Hip 1030941.055.48
1515Hip 1026350.895.60
1616Hip 1033120.785.68
1717Hip 1033600.475.92
181851 Cyg1.145.41
1919Hip 1035300.905.59
1A1AHip 1033590.595.83
22γ/37 Cyg (Sadr)5.372.23
2020Hip 1005010.435.95
2121Hip 1000690.595.83
2222Hip 1002680.076.22
2323Hip 999681.335.27
242440 Cyg0.855.63
2525P/34 Cyg1.994.77
2626Hip 1005150.096.20
2727Hip 1005740.535.87
2828Hip 1019490.276.07
292936 Cyg0.925.58
2A2AHip 1017560.086.21
2B2B44 Cyg0.086.21
2C2CGJ 12490.126.18
2D2Db³/29 Cyg1.784.93
2E2E42 Cyg0.495.90
33η/21 Cyg3.163.89
3030Hip 981430.326.03
3131Hip 977890.196.13
3232Hip 979850.645.79
333325 Cyg1.495.15
3434Hip 972420.176.14
3535b¹/27 Cyg1.185.38
3636Hip 985630.056.23
3737Hip 991450.206.12
383817 Cyg1.695.00
3939χ Cyg−2.187.91
3A3AHip 970870.316.04
3B3BHip 973070.126.18
3C3Cb²/28 Cyg1.784.93
3D3DHip 988630.865.62
3E3EHip 969770.455.93
3F3FHip 983251.015.51
44β¹/6 Cyg (Albireo)4.283.05
4040Hip 960160.515.89
41419 Cyg1.175.39
42422 Cyg1.704.99
43433 Vul1.405.22
4444φ/12 Cyg2.114.68
45458 Vul0.605.82
4646Hip 946850.126.18
4747Hip 954920.116.19
4848α/6 Vul (Anser)2.434.44
494910 Vul1.025.50
4A4AHip 970280.256.08
4B4BHip 974020.366.00
4C4CHip 977650.975.54
4D4D2 Vul1.085.46
55ι²/10 Cyg3.343.76
5050ι¹/7 Cyg0.725.73
5151GJ 41160.745.71
5252Hip 960140.965.55
5353θ/13 Cyg2.374.49
5454c/16 Cyg0.375.99
5555Hip 961980.366.00
5656Hip 946230.006.27
5757d/20 Cyg1.655.03
5858Hip 966200.515.89
5959ψ/24 Cyg1.814.91
5A5AHip 983790.176.14
5B5BHip 947550.336.02
66δ/18 Cyg (Fawaris)4.532.86
6060Hip 968251.615.06
6161Hip 967060.036.25
6262Hip 964591.465.17
6363Hip 968050.136.17
6464Hip 977570.895.60
6565Hip 977000.076.22
666614 Cyg1.145.41
6767Hip 983830.475.92
6868Hip 973720.176.14
6969Hip 977740.485.91
6A6AHip 962881.245.34
6B6BHip 970810.555.86
6C6CHip 953520.565.85
77ε/53 Cyg (Aljanah)5.042.48
7070T Cyg1.784.93
7171Hip 1031451.065.47
7272λ/54 Cyg2.314.53
737347 Cyg2.214.61
88ζ/64 Cyg4.073.21
8080Hip 1048220.126.18
8181Hip 1043710.895.60
8282DT Cyg0.675.77
8383Hip 1055580.276.07
8484Hip 1054320.296.05
8585Hip 1060030.695.75
8686Hip 1057030.805.67
8787Hip 1056600.096.20
99κ/1 Cyg3.283.80
9090Hip 949740.056.23
9191Hip 940130.525.88
929251 Dra1.165.40
939349 Dra1.015.51
949453 Dra1.525.13
9595Hip 950380.485.91
969654 Dra1.695.00
9797Hip 927310.046.24
989848 Dra0.805.67
9999ο/47 Dra2.184.63
AAο¹/31 Cyg3.283.80
A0A030 Cyg1.954.80
A1A1Hip 998890.535.87
A2A2Hip 1004370.925.58
A3A3Hip 996850.196.13
BBο²/32 Cyg3.073.96
B0B0Hip 988580.156.16
B1B143 Cyg0.725.73
B2B2ω¹/45 Cyg1.774.94
B3B3ω²/46 Cyg1.105.44
B4B4e/26 Cyg1.615.06
B5B5Hip 995790.356.01
B6B6Hip 989150.176.14
B7B7Hip 1015560.116.19
CCν/58 Cyg3.103.94
C0C0Hip 1035320.136.17
C1C1Hip 1021550.785.68
DDξ/62 Cyg3.393.72
D0D0Hip 1038280.126.18
D1D1Hip 1035190.965.55
D2D2Hip 1033710.415.96
D3D357 Cyg1.954.80
D4D460 Cyg1.185.38
D5D5A/68 Cyg1.645.04
D6D6Hip 1051010.136.17
D7D7Hip 1050340.056.23
D8D8f¹/59 Cyg2.034.74
D9D9f²/63 Cyg2.274.56
EEτ/65 Cyg3.363.74
E0E0Hip 1052690.515.89
E1E1Hip 1047650.276.07
E2E2σ/67 Cyg2.724.22
E3E361 Cyg1.425.20
E4E4Hip 1038940.236.10
E5E569 Cyg0.455.93
E6E670 Cyg1.295.30
E7E7Hip 1052290.166.15
E8E8υ/66 Cyg2.474.41
E9E9Hip 1037340.356.01
EAEA72 Cyg1.864.87
EBEB74 Cyg1.645.04
ECEC79 Cyg0.775.69
EDEDHip 1071290.395.98
F0F0Hip 926891.794.92
F1F1Hip 932991.175.39
F2F2Hip 928220.575.84
F3F3Hip 922690.206.12
F4F4GJ 732.11.015.51
F5F5Hip 921330.485.91
F6F6Hip 915250.366.00
F7F7GJ 96480.565.85
F8F8Hip 910131.185.38
F9F9Hip 918430.126.18
FAFA16 Lyr1.695.00
FBFBHip 919850.016.26
FCFCc/46 Dra1.655.03