lemÌc. Lemizh grammar and dictionary

Lemizh / English dictionary

782 lemmata in dictionary – view complete dictionary on one page (slow!)multilingual dictionary


to make bottles


NLem dwOwr‑a
LMLem dwÒ‑wer‑yr ‘amphora, bottle’, nominalisation, compound of
  LMLem dwÒ‑yl ‘two’
MLem dwOO‑yl
OLem dwö‑, inflected form of
PLem *dwō
PIE *du̯óh₁
  LMLem, MLem wer‑a ‘carry, bear’
OLem wer‑
PLem *bwer‑, Narten present of
PIE *bʰer‑

This is a LMLem calque from Koi ἀμφορεύς ‘amphora’.


Eng two; Eng bear ‘carry’