Lemizh / English dictionary
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to make sparrows (also a constellation in the region of Camelopardalis’, the Giraffe’s, head; see appendix, Constellations)
Usage notes
In modern usage, this word is also loosely applied to other small birds.
< NLem skont‑a
< LMLem, MLem skont‑yr
< OLem skont‑
< PLem *skont‑ ‘little bird, sparrow’
< PIE *skₔk‑ónt‑s ‘jumping’, Narten present active participle of
PIE *skek‑ ‘move quickly, jump’
doublet of qàxk.
Ger ge‑schehen ‘happen’, Eng chic (via Fr chic and Ger schick ‘elegant’)