lemÌc. Lemizh grammar and dictionary

Lemizh / English dictionary

782 lemmata in dictionary – view complete dictionary on one page (slow!)multilingual dictionary


to make moths (also the constellation roughly corresponding to Canes Venatici and Coma Berenices; see appendix, Constellations)


NLem swmil‑a
LMLem mineswel‑yr
MLem minesw‑el‑yr, diminutive of
  MLem minesw‑yr ‘owl’
OLem minesw‑ ‘Goddess of wisdom’
PLem *menesw‑
PIE *men‑ésu̯‑eh₂, nominalisation of
  PIE *men‑ ‘think’

doublet of manwà., màjw., màsw. and minà.


Gk μνάομαι ‘remember’, Lat Minerva