lemÌc. Lemizh grammar and dictionary

Lemizh / English dictionary

782 lemmata in dictionary – view complete dictionary on one page (slow!)multilingual dictionary


to speak/talk to someone-dat about something-acc; to say something-acc to someone-dat; to tell someone-dat (a story etc.-fact) about something-acc (see unit 14, ‘about’)
(all: in some language-ins)
the parole

wùx. language

wixfùw. telephone ( wàx fÌwi. ‘talk to someone far away’)


NLem wix‑a
LMLem wìx‑a
MLem wiix‑a ‘say’
OLem wīh‑
PLem *wiwh‑, i-reduplicated athematic present of
PIE *u̯ekʷ‑


Ved vívakti ‘speak’, Gk εἶπον ‘said, spoke’