Lemizh / English dictionary
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to make/shoot films, movies, videos about something-acc; to film something-acc
wlotù. film camera
Usage notes
To say ‘We made a film about J. R. R. Tolkien-acc’ as opposed to ‘We filmed J. R. R. Tolkien-acc’, use a more abstract accusative object, as in ‘We made a film about = We filmed Tolkien’s life’.
< NLem wlot‑a ‘guard, record’
< LMLem, MLem fulat‑a ‘watch, guard’
< OTroy φυλαττ‑αι /fuˈlatai/
< SHell *phulátt‑ō, of unknown origin
doublet of wlàt.
Eng pro‑phylaxis (via Gk φύλαξις ‘act of watching, guarding’)