lemÌc. Lemizh grammar and dictionary

Lemizh / English dictionary

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to take fright because of someone or something-acc/causal-transporting (also dat/causal-receiving; see unit 3, Ambiguous usage)
agentive caus, causal-reflexive: to shock, frighten someone-nom

Usage notes

This verb denotes ‘hot’ fear as opposed to ‘cold’ fear, which is xràtx..


gender change of
NLem bwmi‑a
LMLem bwimbì‑yr ‘fear’ [noun]
MLem bwimbii‑yr
OLem bwimbī‑
PLem *bwembī‑ ‘fear’ [verb], perfect of
PIE *bʰei̯h₂‑ ‘come to fear’


Ger beben ‘shake, quiver’, Ved bháyate ‘is afraid’