lemÌc. Lemizh grammar and dictionary

Lemizh / English dictionary

782 lemmata in dictionary – view complete dictionary on one page (slow!)multilingual dictionary


to grind something-dat into something-acc [e.g. into parts, into dust]; to deform something-dat into some shape-acc using shear stress

Usage notes

The ‘destroying’ and ‘deforming’ meanings are distinguished by the acc object or – often simpler – by instead using a nominal verb expressing a shape, versus nominal verbs such as skràp. ‘split, turn into parts’, dwà. ‘turn into two [parts]’, etc.


NLem, LMLem, MLem gwaln‑a
OLem gwalnh‑ ‘turn’
PLem *gwalnh‑, nasal-infix present of
PIE *kʷelh₁‑ ‘turn (around)’

doublet of polnà. and possible doublet of telmà.


Gk κύκλος ‘cycle’, Ger dulden ‘tolerate, endure’