lemÌc. Lemizh grammar and dictionary

Lemizh / English dictionary

782 lemmata in dictionary – view complete dictionary on one page (slow!)multilingual dictionary


to make points / an area in front of something-nom (see unit 12, Temporal and spatial verbs)

prexnÌ., prÌ. east (symbol: p)
prilkexnÌ., prilkÌ. west (symbol: g, i.e. a turned p)

prilnedjÌt. midday ( prilnÌ djÌte.)
prilneytfÌ. midnight


NLem prO‑a, inflected form of
LMLem prÒ ‘in front of’
MLem prOO
OLem prö
PLem *prō
PIE *prō ‘forth’


Lat prō ‘for, in front of’